I have been trying to spend some time "in the studio" each day this week, even just for a few minutes if I can. I feel so much better when I can actually work on something creative EACH day. Maybe just a page in my journal, a background, finishing up a canvas, working on some DIY project or craft (thank you Pinterest), painting with my little one...just something. Even for a short time, it is SO worth. I used to convince myself that if I couldn't sit down for long stretches of time, it wasn't worth it. I have learned that those little moments count. Every. single. one.
I painted this little girlie in about 10 minutes on a piece of chipboard. I have been painting lots of these little faceless girls with quotes & scriptures. I am really falling in love with them. It's funny...I always come back to art for children. I know I have mentioned that before. It is where I started (painting for my daughter's nursery & friends) and where I continually end up.
I have painted several small canvases too. I think they may make their into my poor little neglected Etsy shop. My poor little shop needs some TLC. :)
All you need...
So simple...but, so true. :)
I am going to link up to Paint Party Friday and Sneak Peek Friday at
Before I go...thank you to sweet Diane from Diane Writes who mentioned me on her blog. I love reading about her, her family, her beautiful country & culture. It is amazing that through blogging our small corner of the world can somehow grow larger and our circle of friends broader.
I feel very blessed! :)