Saturday, September 29, 2012

Let Your Dreams Fly - Journal Page

 Big dreams can be scary...and exciting at the same time.
They can make butterflies flutter in tummies and hearts beat a little faster.
At times, those little seeds of possibility make me wonder if I really CAN.

I know that even when dreams make us anxious, nervous, or unsure - I can't retreat and give up. I have to give my dreams wings and see where they can take me. If there are things that I wish for...big things...huge hopes...they are not going to simply plop down in my lap. I have to move forward, take something!

For me, I sometimes lock up my aspirations in my heart and leave them there. Little things I hope for held hostage because I am afraid to set them loose. Do you ever feel like that? I am afraid that I am not good enough or people will laugh at me or failure will hunt me down. Yucky fears taking over, right!?

But, you know what I say to that...WHO cares. I can't let fear run the show. YUCK! That's no fun! I mean, really...who cares if some people don't like my art, someone will! Who cares if others don't understand what I am doing and this new found passion. I know it brings me so much joy, excitement, and a place for release. Who cares if failure grabs me by the neck and throws me down. I will pick myself back up and continue forging ahead with many lessons learned. In other words nothing is stopping me. Nothing is stopping you! :) 

Soooo, let your dreams go and watch them fly!!! I know I am. :)


  1. As I read, I culd see you and hear you saying these words. Beautiful! Shout it from the rooftops, my friend, and keep making your art...and being your true wonderful self. Love it! And yes, I know exactly how you feel about holding some dreams deep inside... Ugh. Happy weekend! Kath

  2. I am constantly plagued by those fears of not feeling good enough. Love your words and a great spread. Love the colours and energy in the piece. Very uplifting. :)

  3. This seems to be every artist!! I see artists being the biggest critics of their own work...It always surprises me!! You are not alone...that gremlin comes to visit me all the time too! Then I ask myself why I NEED to create...I have no's like eating it feeds the soul...

    You give that art wings and let it's beautiful...the more you do the more it evolves into things you can't even imagine...

    Happy ppf on sunday!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. I totally agree with your words as i love to stretch my wings and do dare to fly :)

  5. Great message for a Beautiful Sunday Jen. I appreciate this post. Big dreams indeed frighten us but at the end of the day, when we achieved them, the feeling is just priceless!

  6. Great post! I totaly agree. Love your journal spread ♥

  7. This is beautiful, Jen! I love the sweet girl and the ruffles on her dress. :) And such a fantastic message!!

  8. Love your Gal and your message. I too suffer from that ugly monster within saying my artwork is not good enough. I do dare to dream though. I just tell that inner voice to shut up and keep on doing art. Some days are harder then others.
